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Free Resources Through the School Year.....
Here are the resources for each month through the year - with little books to photocopy for your class, idea booklets, and more.
Freebies for Back-to-School
The First Day (a little book to photocopy
for the first day)
Poems for September and Autumn
Little Books for September
Freebies for October
Little Books for Thanksgiving
Poems to Read and Remember for October Halloween Poem - by Karen Goreas
Freebies for November
Freebies for January and Winter
Four more little books for Winter
Ideas for the Chinese New Year
Freebies for February
Three more little books for Valentines Day
Two more little books for 100 Day

Freebies for March
Little Books for March - Intro and Lesson Ideas
Ideas for Dr. Seuss Day, March 2
Freebies for April​
Little books for April
Freebies for May​
Little books for May
Freebies for June
Little books for June
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